Immigration Law

A lot of people like to travel to The Netherlands, either for fun, business or personal reasons. But staying in The Netherlands for a longer period of time is a different story. A lot of (European) rules apply, depending on the preferred purpose of stay.

Fidenti Legal has many years of experience in the field of migration law, so could guide and legally assist you to the most applicable legal ground for your stay in The Netherlands.

Either for doing business in The Netherlands, hiring highly skilled migrants or academic researchers from outside the EU, working as a EU citizen, working or doing business as a Turkish national or in case of family reunification.

Fidenti Legal is thé partner for miscellaneous and business sponsors by legally assisting with all aspects of applying for a residence permit for your students, academic researchers of highly skilled migrants.

Also Fidenti Legal could legally assist you in naturalization in visa procedures, of carry out legal procedures against the Dutch Immigration Service (IND) if needed.

In migration cases time usually is of the essence, so don’t hesitate to contact Fidenti Legal today.

If you have any questions

Please feel free to ask about the possibilities. I would like to hear from you how I could legally assist your organisation or you.

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